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PEAR: Current UK Practice for the Management of Pregnancy-Associated BrEast CAnceR.

Lay Summary

Though uncommon, an increasing number of women are being diagnosed with breast cancer during or soon after pregnancy. There is little published data on the management and treatment of breast cancer during pregnancy in the UK. Therefore, this audit will collect information to record how patients are treated for breast cancer while pregnant in hospitals across the UK.  The aim of the study is describe an uptodate UK practice.



·          Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women 35-54y and 15% are diagnosed in women of reproductive age

·          In women <30y, up to 20% of cases may be associated with pregnancy or occur within 1y postpartum

·          Increasing rates of breast cancer in premenopausal women

·          Rising average maternal age >30y (Office of National Statistics)

·          Incidence of pregnancy associated breast cancer (PABC) is rising



·         National retrospective study to describe the current practice of PABC management and variation in care and adherence to treatment guidelines across different hospitals in the UK

·         Collaborative cross specialty project with national data collection



·         Sites recruited nationally, all chemotherapy units in UK eligible to contribute

·         Trainees registered audit locally for data collection

·         Retrospective audit of patients with pregnancy associated breast cancer in the last 10 years

·         National data collection tool for baseline characteristics, surgical, medical oncology, clinical oncology and obstetric management

·         Analysis of data by collaborative group, led by Dr Sheeba Irshad (CRUK Clinician Scientist & Honorary Medical Oncologist, Guy’s Hospital, Kings College London).


 PABC:           Sheeba Irshad (lead)

                      Emily Goode

                      Daniella Crawley

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